What would it be like to finally make real money in your business?

Without the overwhelm and burnout of having to work 80 hour plus work weeks, living off beans and rice, or telling your kids no forever


You can:

✅ Smash your revenue goals

✅ Feel good about your finances

✅ Create generational impact

✅ Make priceless memories with your family

⛔ Without having to constantly watch the bank account

⛔ or Sacrificing your lifestyle



Let's Do This! Enroll in Money Mastery Academy

I'm Not Scared Of My Finances Anymore.

And I'm not scared of finances anymore. Which is huge. Because as an entrepreneur as an entrepreneur that’s one of the hats we have to wear that CFO hat.

I do feel that way, you know, learning all the things. I really am unstoppable.

I mean, money is just a tool and it's how we use the tool that matters and you're teaching me so many different ways to use tools, like what tools do I have at my disposal? And not to be ashamed of how I'm using the tools!

- Kylie Ota

Burnout Free Launch Coach

Does This Sound Familiar??

  • You've made progress with your finances but something happened and you lost your momentum
  • You don't want to be afraid to check your bank account
  • You'd love to outsource but paying for support seems so out of reach
  • You'd like to have a healthy relationship with money - after all you know it's a tool to help you create the life you want!
  • You never have time to commit to your finances so you're just kind of coasting by
  • You make good money so you'd think you've got this figured out! {And you probably do! Often we're just missing a couple of tweaks}
  • You're done just hoping it will all work out! You want to take back control of your money and the effect that it has on your life
Yes, Let's Do This!

Introducing Money Mastery Academy

A 12-Week Group Coaching Program For Entrepreneurs Who Want Confidence, Clarity, And Peace With Money.

Using Simple Systems That Help You Make Smarter Decisions With Your Money And Become A Profitable And Unstoppable Entrepreneur!

Enrollment Options Money Mastery Academy


Get Started Today


  • Payment Plan Option:

    4 payments of $297


Save $190


  • Pay In Full Option: 

1 Payment of $997


Doors Are Closing! 










Imagine If...

🔥 You can finally breathe! The pressure is gone off your shoulders because you're finally making real money

🔥 You're finally getting ahead financially! That dream vacation is actually feasible!

🔥 You're not working 80 hours day and night each week wearing the same leggings because you're chained to your business

🔥 You have a team who actually support you in the business and you're only doing tasks that you as the CEO can do

🔥 Your calendar isn't booked to the max. You have the time to do the spur of the moment 3 pm ice cream runs with your family

Then you need to know that your finances and money don't have to be a struggle!


With Money Mastery Academy all this is possible! You'll achieve your financial goals & SUSTAIN them without overwhelm or fear!

"I've now got systems in place to keep me on track with my work AND my son without feeling guilty"


I had a lot of trouble bouncing between being a mother and running a business.

I was constantly interrupted and never knew what I should be working on. Aimee helped me with awesome advice and how-to's tailored specifically for my problems and always followed up with lots of notes, links, and a recording of our talk for me to re-watch if I needed.

I could talk to her about my ideas for my business and my struggles with trying to do everything at once and know that she understood where I was coming from because she's a business owning mom too. She gave me so much great info.

I've now got systems in place to keep me on track with my work AND my son without feeling guilty. I'm still going back to those notes to work on more of her suggestions. I'm so thankful to have found Aimee and been able to receive coaching from her!

Business owner, homeschooling mom, and home finance wizard, Aimee is my inspiration, a shining example of the kind of businesswoman I hope to be, and she makes it feel achievable!

- Stephanie Larson

Virtual Assistant for Online Coaches

Pillars Of Money Mastery Academy That Guarantee Your Success


The Unstoppable Finances Framework



Designed to help you take care of what you already have. You’ll find practical money-saving strategies as well as important steps you need to ensure you’re protected in the future so that

- You make the most of your hard earned money!

- You maximize your savings without feeling limited or pinching pennies!




Designed to help you find ways to increase your income through side hustles, a home business, traditional 9-5. and investments. You’ll find solutions that make it possible for you to grow your income so that

- Your income continues to grow!

- You have ways to diversify your income that you feel good about!

- You can have new strategies to invest and make more money!




Designed to help you break through money mindset obstacles that have kept you stuck in the past and equip you with the tools you need that when those stories resurface, you’re not stuck floundering and paralyzed. Instead, you’ll achieve your next level so that

- Your no longer self sabotaging your success!

- You have the freedom to truly be unstoppable with your money



The super power you are looking for. Alone the other 3 aspects of the framework "work" but you'll waste time and money. With someone in your corner you'll multiple your momentum.

- You have someone as your sounding board!

- You have accountability!

- You have a cheerleader in your corner!

Yes! I Need This Framework

The Real Deal

Working With Aimee: I just adore you. The fact that you're just very raw and real and you don't try to pretend that you're perfect and you're thorough and you sent me over the email already. I mean, just everything, like you're just the real thing.

- Heather Wylde Smith

Ethical Sales Coach

What You'll Actually Receive Inside

Money Mastery Academy:


Unstoppable Finances Framework:


Designed to help you assess your current financial surroundings and solidify your solid foundations so that your income will continue  to grow!

- $2,500 Value


Meal Planning Made Easy


Designed for you to save money in the kitchen while still eating the food you love 


- Meal Planning that is systematized in a way that works for you and your family!

- Never lose track of food to the back of the pantry only to find it again after it's waaaay expired.

- Simple tools to save you time so that you have more time for your loved ones and priorities!


- $197 Value


 Mastering Productivity & Time Management Like A Boss

My signature system allows you to get more done in less time – in a completely customized systematized way! I had tried all the things in the past and it just wasn’t working… So I built a system that works ESPECIALLY if you’re busy and juggling multiple hats!


- Stop feeling overwhelmed by your to do list

- Finally feel accomplished and at peace with where you're at

- Complete with all the templates and worksheets

- $297 Value

 Profit Power Up Training Vault

You’ll get actionable strategies in a variety of different subjects that you can deep dive into and achieve the next level of profitability, peace, and success. Including:

✅ Managing Business Finances With Ease

✅ Credit Strategy & Tips

✅ Strategic Tax Savings

✅ Budgeting For The Holidays

✅ Food Security & Smart Prepping

✅ Investing

✅ Month End Methods

✅ Goal Setting & Vision

✅ Money & Marriage

and more!


- Your hard work goes farther

- You can take care of your family in the ways that are important to you

- $1,650 Value

Implementation Checklist for Each Module

Leave each training knowing EXACTLY what actions you need to take for each strategy – no more overwhelm here!

- $250 Value

Live Weekly Group Coaching

Get immediate and live coaching from Aimee on your most pressing issues or obstacles that you’re facing

- $1,000 Monthly Value

Supportive Community

Not just an exclusive community where you can ask daily questions, receive support, or share a victory! But collaborate and find new opportunities for your business to grow as well.

- $250 Monthly Value

Execution Lab

Monthly live coworking space - Making time for your finances isn't always convenient, right? Often even just the idea of this leads to overwhelm or anxiety so we end up pushing it to the side or simply not prioritizing it. Each month we'll get together and spend an hour working on your finances with the community, uplifting music and if a problem arises I'll be there. You'll make massive progress and have fun doing it!

- $1,000 Monthly Value

Join Money Mastery Academy

Mastering The Unstoppable Finances Framework

 Assess your current financial surroundings and solidify your solid foundations so that your income will continue to grow!

- $2,500 Value

Doors Close Soon 

Doors To Money Mastery Academy Close When The Timer Reaches 0










Money Makeover QuickBooks Audit

Know that your books are actually set up correctly? Whether your bank balances aren't matching, you're not sure why your P&L looks wrong or what a P&L actually should tell you. This audit will give you a checklist and a step-by-step walkthrough of the things you need to know so you can show up and make the income that you're called to! 

- $1,050 Value

BONUS: Money Magnifier Toolkit

10+ Interviews in a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and time commitments all designed to help YOU make more money utilizing your talents and gifts in a way that works for you!

- $970 Value

BONUS: Home Business Breakthroughs

This digital course will reveal the Attraction Marketing Forbidden Framework your competitors don't want you to see... Because it will help you dominate your industry

- $47 Value 

BONUS: 5 Day Accountability Challenge: A Starter Kit To A Better YOU Recordings

Set goals you can achieve, uncover what is holding you back, and create a game plan for success

- $97 Value 

Enrollment Options Money Mastery Academy


Low Cost Payments


  • Payment Plan Option:

    2 payments of $597


1x Payment


  • Pay In Full Option: 

1 Payment of $997


It Doesn't Have To Be Complicated & You CAN Do This...

Hi! I'm Aimee Cerka, I help ambitious women achieve unstoppable finances so they ready to finally have clarity, peace, and confidence with their money regardless of what's going on in the economy which creates the happiness, family life, financial security, and long-term wealth they deserve.

There is tons of information out there, we both know that. It's not about having the information. You need the right information. You need information that is up-to-date and simple to implement.

To live a life of your priorities means you need people in your corner who actually get it.

And I get it.

Why Me?


  • I'm a wife, Momma to 4, and we homeschool our children. Basically, I'm busy, I know you are too. I share short and sweet trainings. Our time is important so we don't do fluff. 


  • These Principles Work - They Are Real. We've lived it. From SSI (social security disability), Food Stamps, and WIC to increasing our net worth by $250,000 in spite of 3 major financial crises in the last 10 years.


  • There's No Judgment. Working through money mindset obstacles can be challenging. We're facing our biggest fears and realizing most of them aren't even real. I've done the work too. I get it.


  • You Don't Have To Sacrifice Your Life To Improve Your Finances - I won't tell you to work 80 hour work weeks or to live off beans and rice forever, it won't last. This is about healthy lasting habits. 


  • Numbers Are My Jam - You might be thinking that okay Aimee but they aren't mine. I get that. That's the beauty of this program. I created the system for you so you can take it and go. Spend your time doing what you love not trying to create this on your own.


  • Ongoing Support - One of the hardest parts of anything is not getting stuck in procrastination or over analyzing, right? You know what to do but actually doing it... That's another thing. This is why I've set up the Academy so that we're walking together through the process 


  • We Never Arrive - When it comes to your finances it's an ongoing process. We never "finish." So I am continuously working to stay up to date to provide you the best information and will update this course when more effective strategies emerge.
Enrollment Options For Money Mastery Academy

"Thank you for not judging me and for not making me feel bad for not doing anything before we got on the call. You're amazing."

This Is For You If

  • You want to leverage your hard-earned money for more
  • You want to have the confidence that you are taking care of yourself and your family financially
  • You are willing to put in the work to set up the systems to serve your long term success
  • You realize that to achieve things that most don’t have, you’ll have to do some things differently
  • You want to make a change
  • You want to still have fun and take your kids to the zoo without having to plan it a month in advance to clear your calendar
  • AND you want to enjoy your money too! Spontaneous trips for ice cream are encouraged


This Is NOT For You If

  • You’re fine living on edge just barely getting by
  • You are not concerned with your families long term security
  • You're looking for the band aid quick fix solution
  • You’re not willing to try anything new
  • You’re not coachable
  • You're comfortable with where you're at
  • You want to figure this out all by yourself
Join Money Mastery Academy

Frequently Asked Questions:


Make My Life Easier - Get Started Now!

You're not all this Lights, Camera Action, you're just personable.

I love your rapport, you're not all this Lights, Camera Action, but you're not, you're just personable. And I like it.

You have your kids involved. It's like, Hey, there might be a kid come up, and there's no telling what they might say.

I think that lets people know, like, Okay, I don't have to have it perfect. Or, you know, she understands, if something happens.

- Shari Roberts

Social Media Strategist

This is it. I know you're overwhelmed and scared.

After all you have bought all the things and yet you STILL haven’t “figured out” how to make real money...

So you're sitting there wondering what makes this different.

Will this work for you?

Can YOU make this work?


It's time to finally figure this out.

It's not too late.

But there might be a day when it is.

The first step is to make the decision.

You take that step and I'll be there to support you along the way.



Imagine Your Life 60 Days From Now...

Where Will You Be After You've Finally Stepped Into Unstoppable Finances Without The Stress, Fear or Frustration...

All Because You Took The Leap!


Join Money Mastery Academy Now